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Political Storm

Why is it so difficult to have a constructive conversation these days? I see more people getting angry with each other for having a different opinion, mostly. But even when facts are placed on the table, they get rejected like a toddler's brusselsprouts and are immediately followed with ad hominem attacks.

Why are so many people quickly enraged at the thought of being wrong? I especially notice this behavior online, where people can argue from the comfort of their own home and in some cases anonymously. Online debates are some of the most excruciating discussions I have ever witnessed.

But this problem isn’t exclusive to social media, I see it almost daily in real life as well. And this problem isn’t exclusive to politics although, let’s face it, everything is about politics lately. So let me tell you, being in the center of the political spectrum is like standing in the eye of a hurricane: everyone near me is calm and reasonable but when we step outside the eye we are consumed by the devastating storm.

Originally, I always thought my views were very left sided. After Trump was elected, suddenly my views were considered “far-right” in the eyes of many people. So I wondered where I really stood, and I found this site, You can answer basic questions, but I wanted to be thorough and answered the additional ones as well.

Once finished, I found myself dead center of the political spectrum, which makes sense. I highly recommend people try it out, it’s nice to know where you stand based on your beliefs, rather than others telling you where you stand. But if you’re lucky like me and stand in the middle, brace yourself for the wind that's coming.

Some people aren’t going to like me saying this but, the wind from the left is loud and furious. So loud in fact, any conversation is muffled by the same howling gusts: “racist”, “white privilege”, “troll”, “(expletive deleted) Trump and his supporters!”

Well, I have never said/done anything racist. I am white, I may have had better opportunities than some, but I certainly wouldn’t say my life is a “privilege” based on my skin color (that term is rather prejudice isn’t it?). And trying to have a sensible conversation is not trolling. Also, I say this all the time but, I never liked Trump, I did not vote for Trump, but I find myself defending him because of the constant lies and media manipulation so that makes me a supporter I guess.

When it comes to the right, you can hear each other speak. I can usually keep a good conversation going without random false accusations getting thrown into the mix. That’s just my personal experiences with each side. Every now and again I have a constructive conversation with a leftist, but it has to be a one on one situation, and out of the wind.

So, I’m sorry if I offend any leftists but, from my perspective, you really have to take it down a category or 4. I know you are loud (and proud of it), I admire your compassion, but don’t make enemies with people just because they aren’t part of your storm. Some people just want it to blow over so we can clean up the mess it made.

The best thing that everybody can do is accept the fact that this world is extremely diverse, and nobody thinks exactly the same, there are millions of good people with differing opinions. Also, accept the fact that you could be wrong about something. Even if you are right you could still be wrong for reasons you never perceived. And the only way to truly know for sure, is to actually listen to the people who have a different perspective.

It's easy to give yourself this tunnel vision and block your peripheral, but don’t you want to see the entire picture? When talking with someone who has different opinions, remember that they have a reason for thinking that way, just as you have yourself. Try to learn why, see what led up to those beliefs. And also explain your reasoning. One may persuade the other or you both may find an entirely new view with your combined beliefs.

Most importantly, keep things civil. Do not resort to ad hominem attacks, and don’t let yourself get angry for irrational reasons. This goes for everybody. The minute things get personal or heated, the entire conversation is shut down and cannot progress.

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